lauantai 27. kesäkuuta 2015

Spartan Saturday

Wake me up before seven, that is probably what my son heard when I said good night to him last night. So earlybird rise and shine, cleaning and cooking for seven hours and then off to the gym. Did not feel very duracell... still managed to get a good session, including pr in one hand snatch.

1a box jump 5*2
1b one hand snatch 2*50,2*50,1*55,1*55,1*57.5
2a military press 6*6*50 kg
2b pullups 6*6
3a ohs 5*6
3b deadlift rampup 70,100,120,140
4 trap bar farmer's walks <-> 140,150,160
160kg dropped a meter and a half from finishline, aargghh

THIS IS SPARTAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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