tiistai 28. heinäkuuta 2015

Snatch PB

Abnormally late time for gym seems to work for me, did my snatch pb after nine pm :) usually almost ready for bed at that time.

Snatch 2*3*50, 2*2*60, 1*70, 1*75, 1*80, 1*85, 1*90, 1*92.5(fail)

Hang Power Clean 8*50, 4*60, 4*70, 4*3*80

KB Swing @32kg *60,50,40

Swings were pretty easy, well perhaps more suitable expression would be not too hard. Snatch record is awesome, broke the 90kg mental barrier. Read an article from t-nation were Thibs said that crossfitters have no mental barriers in olympic lifting, they want to achieve higher weights without thinking how hard it is. This remind me of my swimming times, one barrier was minute in 100m freestyle. Staid over for a year and when finally broke it, time was under 59 seconds. The mind is a mysterious thing.

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