keskiviikko 22. heinäkuuta 2015

Days 6-9

6th day was a hectic day since Virpi's sisters children were staying with us cause their parents had a wedding visit. Had no time in the morning or day to train so I had only evenong session.

What a great session it was, managed to do 1,100 reps, 20*30 + 20*25. What a painful session it turned out to be. Afterwards that is, during swings felt like a beast but next morning the first thought was I am not gonna complete this challenge. Hamstrings tight and lower back pain so that carrying our baby boy was tough as hell. Had to take some relaxant pills and decided to eaze a bit, after all I was ahead by 1,000 swings.

Next day was 500 unbeliavably hard swings, no power in the abs to keep core tight so that was the most painful session so far. The day after that did also only 500 so it meant that two days out I was right on track. Easier days did help a lot even though I still have some lower back pain issues but nothing too severe. Have to keep the core right at all times :) those tiny deep abdominal muscles have really gotten a shock during this challenge.

Today which is day number 8 I did 500 swings both in the morning session and evening session. Hold on, I did make the last set id the day 120 instead of 20 so it makes 600 swings for the evening session :) In the morning I did also 5*3-2-1 *40kg strict press. Decided to press slightly lighter weight in order to not stress the core too much.

So here we are all but finished. Last day ahead and 900 swings to do and 9,100 already done during last 9 days. What a lovely mental and physical challenge this is. At this moment there is no doubt that I will complete this but quite different were thoughts at 7,000 swings after that monster session :)

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