lauantai 25. heinäkuuta 2015

Done deal

Well it took me ten whole days but now it is done. 10 days and 10,000 swings with 24kg kettlebell. Mental battle describes this joirney the best. Some physical challenges during the road also but mainly this was a matter of will. THIS is Sparta!

Highest amoint of reps per session was 1,100 and highest number of reps per one set was 175. That was the last set and it happened only because of my girlfriend who came in and asked how many left? Once I replied "175" she said "you know you can do it one set, right?" :DDDD

After that line there really ain't any other choice but to do it :) like I said earlier, this is purely mental stuff. People usually set boundaries somewhere far away their real capabilities. This 10,000 swings challenge was a real eye opener for me, or rather a reminder of something I thought I had already lost. Meaning that I am able to go much deeper than what my thoughts are. It is really nice to end this challenge feeling like this! SPARTA!!!

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