20 Snatches @ 75kg which is 83%, for time. Not the easiest wod I have done :) Took me just under 14 minutes. Tried to do one rep every 30sec but that turned out to be too hard for me. Still a pretty good wod.
These 20 singles wod's are absolutely great for power and technique. I remember that when I started cleaning 20*1*90 kg was something that helped me progress 10kilos really fast. Not excpecting that progress here this time though, that would quite a lot in my snatch :)
To finish the session I did DeFrancos shoulder series 6 times. 10 front raises with 10kg plate, 8 lateral raises with 5kg dumbells and 5-6 strict cuban presses with shrug. Also added 4*25 band pullaparts. Shoulders blasted is what I am feeling right now. Now it is time to let them rest a while because I have done shoulder excercises for quite a while now. A week without anything but band pull aparts should do the trick. Let's see if the patience is within me :)