torstai 27. heinäkuuta 2017

Autumn ´17 plan

Once again back with a new plan :)

Gonna ride the bike to work until a get a new car. That´s 11km per stint so total 22km a day. Should be 80% @120-130bpm and 20% 150-160bpm in order to build up conditioning.

Each hotel night will contain at least 1 exrx and preferably 2 as in evening and morning sessions. No matter how intense as long as there is something done.

2 gym sessions per week in addition to cycling. 1 for max strength and 1 for kettlebell training or crossfit DT (from 50kg) for total body exrx and conditioning. Max strength session will have snatch and c&j ramped up to either 1 rep max of the day or 5x2 / 3x3 @80-90% followed by speed complex.

All of the above is subject to change as energy levels dictate what I am doing. Gym session might as well be just flexing and shoulder strengthening as long as there is something done it is quite enough. The focus is to get back on track and just getting some exrx done is quite enough to start building the foundation again. I am pretty sure I will get over excited on the way :)

Light session today: 3rounds

sunnuntai 25. kesäkuuta 2017

Back in business once again

Hola hola, second gym session in a week:) same old pattern, snatches cleans and jerks etc


3+3 x 70
3+2 x 80
2+1 x 90
1+1 x95
1+1 x 100

1-hand snatch barbell
25, 30, 35

Some bag work, cool down with cycle and some rolling

maanantai 9. tammikuuta 2017

Here I come

Last year saw under 10 real training sessions for me. This year has started with 2 already so most likely will beat last years record....

Body seems to be adjusting to a circadian ryrhm of wake me up at 6.30. Best to enjoy this and support it with mprning training sessions.

Monday easy morning routine

Tuesday swim 500m
100 freestyle 1.03.9
Decided to time 100free to get a starting level. What a lousy level it is :)

Goal is under 1.00. Should always be in such a condition until 50year old

tiistai 21. kesäkuuta 2016

Back in Business

There must have been at least 5 training sessions fro me this year. Personal life difficulties and separation have taken it´s toll on my energy and therefore have not had the strength to train except for riding the bike to work a lot. Life has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions and suddenly last sunday everything became a bit clearer. Went to the gym and got energy like it came from a nuclear power plant. Just unreal how good it felt to train again. Will proceed projectsparta vol. 1132 :)

Swings 20x24kg
Front Squat 30kg
OH Press 30kg
Power Snatch Hang 5x3x50kg
Some band work for shouldahs

Shoulders felt also good. Break from training did help a lot since they felt shit last time I trained in april or so.

Tuesday morning
Swings 2x20x20kg
Front Squat 20kg
OH Press 20kg
Bike ride to work 20min

Target is to be in a decent shape for vacation coming in 4 weeks so that I can train there everyday :)

torstai 28. tammikuuta 2016

Vuokatisaa kylpemässä

Se ois reilu 4v siitä kun viimeks kävin Vuokatin urheiluopiston salilla ja hämmentävän samanlainen parisuhetilanne tällä kertaa kuin viimeksi. Spooky. En es ajatellu ku varattiin loma, että viimeks ku kävin täällä niin oli erotilanne päällä ja nyt sama homma. Kai mä sitte lähen Vuokattiin aina eroamaan :P

Salireeni oli hyvä niinkuin muistin viimeksikin olleen.

Pullups 6,4,6,4
C&J 6x50, 3x60, 6x2x70
Power clean 2x80, 2x90, 2x100 + 3 cluster sets 3x4x90kg
Zercher squat 5x2x70kg

Ja nyt kylpemään!

maanantai 2. marraskuuta 2015

Shitty training session

Some bagwork for warmup, then some t rows with 60kg 4x8 and finish with sledwork

Sled pushes because some guy took the fucking handles and the fucking gym has attached all the trx´s in the bloody trx station. they are meant to be portable by design...

4x60kg half full sprint half walk
6x90kg half full sprint half walk

these felt heavy and lactic acid was vividly present :)

lauantai 31. lokakuuta 2015

Ohs and sled

Bag work for warmup


Some snatch high pulls with light load


2x60kg push
2x90kg push
2x120kg pull with harness
2x150kg pull with harness
2x180kg pull with harness