There must have been at least 5 training sessions fro me this year. Personal life difficulties and separation have taken it´s toll on my energy and therefore have not had the strength to train except for riding the bike to work a lot. Life has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions and suddenly last sunday everything became a bit clearer. Went to the gym and got energy like it came from a nuclear power plant. Just unreal how good it felt to train again. Will proceed projectsparta vol. 1132 :)
Swings 20x24kg
Front Squat 30kg
OH Press 30kg
Power Snatch Hang 5x3x50kg
Some band work for shouldahs
Shoulders felt also good. Break from training did help a lot since they felt shit last time I trained in april or so.
Tuesday morning
Swings 2x20x20kg
Front Squat 20kg
OH Press 20kg
Bike ride to work 20min
Target is to be in a decent shape for vacation coming in 4 weeks so that I can train there everyday :)
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