perjantai 7. elokuuta 2015

Some Snatches

Felt really tired, fasted yesterday and slept horribly like the last week. Managed to do something still, no way I could do this without a preworkout stimulant drink.

1 Hang Power Snatch
3*50, 3*60, 2*70 ,2*75, 2*75, 2*75, 2*77.5, 2*80kg

2a OHS 4*6*50 kg
2b Pushups incline 4*10

3 Snatch Grip High Pull
3*50, 3*70, 3*80, 3*90 4*3*95kg

Band pullaparts for cooldown, planned to do speed complex or fran but had no energy left so it was best leave to another time. Sometimes u just don'have the power. No need to force it since this month of vacation has been awesome training-wise.

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